2022-007 509 Maple Street Storm Sewer Repair (nr)


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date 10/18/23 2:00pm
Bid Date 10/25/23 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

City of Birmingham
Ronald Wilson  
(205) 254-2102


Birmingham AL

See Documents section above for additional bid requirements/info

Sealed bids for 509 MAPLE STREET STORM SEWER REPAIR will be received by the City Engineer in Room 220, City Hall, Birmingham Alabama until 2 o’clock p.m., October 25, 2023 at which time and place they will be publicly opened and read in Conference Room 220, 2rd Floor City Hall, Birmingham, Alabama. The award of this Contract will be made pursuant to Alabama Code: 39-1-1, et seq. (Public Works)

A PRE-BID CONFERENCE will be on WEDNESDAY, October 18, 2023 at 2:00 PM (CST). The conference will be held virtually via Webex in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. The teleconference will acquaint prospective bidders with various aspects of the project and may be accessed as follows:

Webex Name: 509 Maple Street Storm Sewer Repair Pre-Bid Conference
Web Location:
https: //birmingham.webex.com/birmingham/j.php?MTID=m473d369a3a68dddb59a279e0b68ca2d4
Meeting Number (Access Code): 2493 350 0058
Meeting Password: 4JUfJ43dU7H
Join By Phone: +l-415-655-0002 United States Toll
Join By Video System or Application:
Dial 24995662091@birmingham.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number

You may use your ESTABLISHED Net 30 Alabama Graphics Account, cash/check, or credit card to purchase this project.
Please note that some orders may be adjusted at time of delivery and/or shipping. Your invoice total may be adjusted +/- according to the destination or size of order.
For assistance with this website, please contact customer service at 205-252-8505